TDP 54: Cat Herder Rollover Request (Jan - April 2023) Source


Simple Summary

This proposal requests 4 months of operational funding for the mStableDAO Cat Herder. The proposal will:

  • Outline a budget proposal for the period of 1st January 2023 to 30th April 2023
  • Outline Tasks and responsibilities within the jurisdiction of the Cat Herder
  • Outline a streamlined process for rolling over the Cat Herder position in the future


With TDP 47 being resolved by our Meta Governors via Snapshot, it was discussed internally how to streamline this process when the current Cat Herder is happy to continue contributing to the DAO, and given the resolution of the above TDP, it was suggested to instead create a sub-process for this scenario where a Snapshot vote is employed to roll over the Cat Herder for another 4 months given a positive resolution.

This will give additional opportunities for the DAO to check the performance of the Cat Herder throughout the year, while also creating a smoother overall process as the rollover falls in line with the Funding Requests of the Builder & Ecosystem subDAO.


The Cat Herder remains a crucial part of Governance within the mStableDAO ecosystem, and thus it is proposed here to keep funding the Cat Herder entity for an additional 4 months from the TreasuryDAO.



Prior to the Rollover Request being created, it is the duty of the current Cat Herder to inform the mStableDAO if they would like to offboard from the DAO at least 90 days in advance in order to be able to facilitate a smooth transition from one Cat Herder to another.

In case the mStableDAO would like to offboard the current Cat Herder, the same 90 day timeframe needs to be given to be in line with WorkDAO requirements, and to generate enough space to facilitate the election process.

If there is no formal announcement made by either the Cat Herder or the mStableDAO, it is assumed that they would like to remain engaged with the DAO, and a Rollover Request will be created for an additional 4 months of employment.

This Rollover Request will provide an opportunity for feedback on the structure of the role and performance of the Cat Herder, and would allow for alternate proposals to be made should DAO stakeholders feel that changes need to be made to the role.

If the current Cat Herder is being offboarded from the mStableDAO, the regular election process will kick in as agreed in TDP 47 instead of the Rollover Request.

Given how this is slightly different than the agreed upon process in TDP 47, an additional option will be presented in the first Snapshot done in this way to ensure everyone is happy with this approach moving forward.

Similar to the funding requests, the request will stay open for 2 weeks in which Meta Governors can comment and feedback on both the process itself as well as the Cat Herder role and performance.

Tasks and responsibilities

The following highlights the high level responsibilities of the Cat Herder within the wider mStableDAO ecosystem:

  1. Ensuring that the mStableDAOs entire governance processes are adhered by, kept up-to-date and moved forward accordingly in the ecosystem

  2. Creation and processing of mission critical proposals via mStable’s governance system

  3. Assisting & guiding contributors in crafting proposals and getting them finalized on Snapshot & on-chain

  4. Maintenance, curation, and tackling of open communication threads on public channels such as the forum and Discord

  5. Daily interaction with the community on Discord and the forum

  6. Organising and facilitating DAO signer calls, governance calls, and maintaining meeting minutes of them where applicable

  7. Making sure all proposals reach quorum and DAO signers execute transactions in a timely manner

  8. Managing proposal workflows to ensure they are voted on and discussed when they need to be

  9. Writing & posting on the official Snapshot page as a comms representative for the DAO

  10. Compiling and consolidating signer feedback and presenting it to Meta Governors via proposals or suggestions in Discord

  11. Liaising with the Product Manager of the Builder subDAO, as well as the Ops Signers of the ProtocolDAO & TreasuryDAO

  12. Maintaining and continuing to build out the respective internal Notion pages for the DAO

  13. Acting as a liaison between the wider mStable community and its Community Manager

  14. Business Development outreaches to other protocols & DAOs as necessary to drive the development of the mStable ecosystem and DAOs forward & help lead these opportunities being shipped into the mStable ecosystem

  15. Daily ecosystem research to find and investigate new opportunities & promising developments in the vertical

  16. Management and maintenance of the relationship between the subDAOs & the mStableDAO

  17. Assisting in Treasury Management for the mStableDAO

  18. Flexible assistance & general support function for the wider mStable ecosystem and their core contributors when required

  19. Quality Assurance & Quality Control that subDAOs & Signers keep delivering upon their milestones & targets, and ensuring that the public representatives of the subDAOs communicate their proof of work in time and according to the funding request


The mStableDAO Cat Herder is entitled to compensation, just like other core contributors in the ecosystem.

Currently, this compensation is set to 5500 Euro/month & a vested MTA stream that is set to conclude in November 2024.

Given how WorkDAO has been engaged to onboard the current Cat Herder and given the current market sentiment, it is suggested to leave the current compensation unchanged for this cycle.

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